Stevenson’s 9th piece, ‘Stormy Evening’, 1887
Stevenson’s 132nd piece, ‘Death Music’, 1892

This caught my eye on the RLS website under the tab ‘Works’. I knew that he was also a poet, but I didn’t know that he composed music for many years and was a big fan of Beethoven. Author/historian J. F. M. Russell compiled Stevenson’s compositions in order, and recreated them on their intended instruments which he published on YouTube alongside his paper. Let me know if you want the PDF, because I can’t figure out how to upload it here. The first piece here is… very rough. It seems Russell got a text-to-speech program to sing the lyrics, which combined with the odd score creates a deeply off-putting vibe for the piece. The second composition is a clarinet duet that is soft and simple, but definitely bounds better than the piece made years earlier.

I highly recommend looking over the document if you’re interested, it includes any context for each piece, what influenced Stevenson’s musical choices, and the groups/communities he was part of while writing certain pieces.